Mike Delaney
Owner, Luthier, Guitarist

Making music is a gift..... To be able to make the instrument that makes the music is a blessing.

It has been well over 50 years since Mike first picked up the guitar and decided to play. Since then, he has played Blues, Soul, Funk, Rock, and Rhythm & Blues from Los Angeles to Atlanta, Missoula to Austin, and shared the stage with many big names in the industry.
In 2004, Mike’s career path took a slight turn. He had been building his own guitars for a while, and when other artists saw him gigging, they would ask him about his guitar. After crossing paths on the gig circuit, they'd get around to asking if he would build them one.
With an extensive background in woodworking and a good knowledge of tonewoods etc, the guitar player became a guitar builder.
Delaney Guitars was officially born in May of 2004 in a little town south of Missoula Montana. Mike and his wife Val built a shop that backed up to miles of Bitterroot Mountain wilderness. Just looking out the window was incredibly inspiring — it made for a great atmosphere to build custom guitars.
After 19 years, 3 states, and 4 shops and homes, Mike & Val reside 25 miles south of Austin Texas with their recently rescued GSP, Buddy. That's 19 years of building custom guitars for some pretty famous and some not-so-famous folks, all who have become family and friends! (Check out our family page!)
You may still find Mike on stage sharing a song or two with Delaney family members, but his daily focus is on building the instrument that the player doesn't want to put down.